About Us
We are a family owned business that is dedicated to the development of youth hockey. We started Armour Hockey Company after my husband and I went looking for the right size hockey stick for our son. We struggled to find a stick that fit him, which lead us to solving our own problem. What started as something very small in finding the right fit, has now transitioned to focusing on how we can aid in developing hockey players to allow others to build on their success and enjoy the game. As you can see, we have also changed out name to Meraki Hockey Company.
Part of the development equation that’s commonly missed is the hockey stick. Along with skating, a player must refine the skills of puck handling, passing and shooting. A proper fitting pair of skates is critical to your child’s ability to learn how to skate, but a proper fitted stick is critical as well. Many adult players, coaches and parents don’t know how to correctly size a stick to a player’s size and ability. They tend to buy what’s on sale, what’s cool looking, what is the newest/most expensive stick, or what they think is best. We have the solution and a system at affordable prices, and yes, our sticks are partially designed by kids that play hockey. Our goal is to reduce the cost of hockey. We are starting with sticks and will branch into other areas so stay tuned.